Metal Roofing Manufacturer Forms Green Team
August 14, 2008 | Filed under: Miscellanous Articles,Uncategorized
We are pleased to announce that Classic Metal Roofing Systems has formed a “Green Team”. Comprised of key leaders from specific areas of expertise within the company, this team’s mission is to ensure that all aspects of the company’s operations are as environmentally sound as possible.
For many years, we have touted the environmental benefits of our products. These include high recycled content, energy efficiency, 100% recyclability, and ability to be installed over old roofing materials. Our goal now is to expand that “green” focus and ensure that all aspects of our company live out a respect for and positive effect on our world’s environment.
This team will be tasked with looking at everything we do with a “green” eye and then, wherever appropriate, implementing positive change. They will examine our internal processes and utility usage, our raw materials procurement, our waste stream, and the ongoing impact of our products and packaging once they leave our doors.
We are excited to have this team established and do not see it as a short term mission but instead as an ongoing journey that will guide our company and everything it does into the future.